Nov 13, 2022Composition of the WeekSHAPES OF CRIMSON, Concerto for solo trumpet & two wind ensembles by Minchang Kang(South Korea, 1988
Nov 6, 2022Composition of the WeekENTORNOS Symphony for Winds by Amando Blanquer Ponsoda (Spain, 1935-2005)
Oct 30, 2022Composition of the WeekCONFLICTS AND CONFLUENCES, for Wind Orchestra by Henk Badings (The Netherlands, 1907– 1987)
Oct 23, 2022Composition of the WeekSUITE No. 2 for Band by Victoriano Valencia Rincón (Colombia, 1970)
Oct 16, 2022Composition of the WeekIERRA MÍTICA, Symphonic Poem for Band by Bernardo Adam Ferrero (Spain,1942 – 2022)
Sep 25, 2022Composition of the WeekCIACONA IN E MINOR on an Old Bohemian Chorale by Zdeněk Jonák (Czech Republic, (1917 –1995)
Sep 18, 2022Composition of the WeekTHE REASON Diptych for Wind Orchestra by Carlos Pellicer (Spain, 1977)
Sep 4, 2022Composition of the WeekHAPPENSTANCE, Concertino for Trumpet and Wind Ensemble by Stephan Hodel (Switzerland, 1973)
Aug 28, 2022Composition of the WeekCONCERTO FOR PIANO, WINDS AND PERCUSSION by Greg D’Alessio (USA, 1963)
Aug 21, 2022Composition of the WeekKORN SYMPHONY for Wind Orchestra by Peter Meechan (Great Britain, 1980)
Aug 7, 2022Composition of the WeekANAMNESE, Op. 63 for Low Brass and Piano by Anne Victorino d’Almeida (Portugal, 1978)
Jul 31, 2022Composition of the WeekCONCERT POUR LES INSTRUMENTS À VENT ET LE PIANO by Frank Martin (Switzerland, 1890-1974)
Jul 24, 2022Composition of the WeekCONCERTO No. 1, Op. 19 for Piano, Wind and Percussion by Alun Hoddinott (Wales, 1929-2008)
Jul 17, 2022Composition of the WeekCONCERTO No. 2 FOR PIANO, WINDS AND PERCUSSION by Leonardo Balada (Spain/USA, 1933)
Jul 3, 2022Composition of the WeekPORTO DE SAUDADES Portuguese Rhapsody No.1 for Symphonic Band, Op.20 by Nelson Jesus (Portugal, 1986