Jun 12, 2022Composition of the WeekSUSPENDED Symphony for Winds, Percussion, and Pre-recorded Soundscape by Alex Shapiro (USA, 1962)
Jun 5, 2022Composition of the WeekSYMPHONY Nr 4 for Orchestral Winds by Arthur Meulemans (Belgium, 1884-1966)
May 29, 2022Composition of the WeekO MAGNUM MYSTERIUM For Soprano and Wind Ensemble by JAMES SYLER (USA, 1961)
May 22, 2022Composition of the WeekCHAMBER SYMPHONY I For Marimba and Winds by DANIEL McCARTHY (USA, 1955)
May 15, 2022Composition of the WeekCIRCUITSA Concert Overture for Wind Ensemble by CINDY McTEE (USA, 1953)
May 8, 2022Composition of the WeekCINQ BAGATELLES For Chamber Winds by JEAN-PIERRE POMMIER (France, 1951)
May 1, 2022Composition of the WeekMUSIC FOR ELEVEN WIND INSTRUMENTS AND TIMPANI EDISON DENISOV (Russia, 1929 - 1996)
Apr 24, 2022Composition of the WeekAS THE LIGHTS GO OUT For Wind Ensemble and Electronics BEN ROBICHAUX (USA, 1991)
Apr 17, 2022Composition of the WeekRED SKY for Trombone and Wind Band by ANTHONY BARFIELD (USA, 1983)
Apr 10, 2022Composition of the WeekPOINT OF TRANQUILITY Idyll for Winds, Brass and Percussion by KENNETH FUCHS (USA, 1956)
Apr 3, 2022Composition of the WeekSYMPHONIE DE L’EAU for Wind Orchestra by SERGE LANCEN (France, 1922 - 2005)
Mar 27, 2022Composition of the WeekCHORAL Op. 8 for wind orchestra, percussion, and bass by OLIVER KNUSSEN (England, 1952 - 2018)
Mar 20, 2022Composition of the WeekSYMPHONIE DE PRINTEMPS For Symphonic Band by IDA GOTKOVSKY (France, 1933)
Mar 13, 2022Composition of the WeekPRISM RHAPSODY II for Two Marimbas and Wind Ensemble by KEIKO ABE (Japan, 1937)
Feb 27, 2022Composition of the WeekTHINK OF JAZZ For Jazz Sextet and Symphonic Band by JESUS SANTANDREU (Spain, 1970)
Feb 20, 2022Composition of the WeekRAMPA for Wind Orchestra, piano, percussion, and sampler by MARCOS FRANCIOSI (Argentina, 1973)
Feb 13, 2022Composition of the WeekIN MEMORIAM JOSEPH HOROVITZ (Austria,1926 - 2022) BACCHUS ON BLUE RIDGE For Symphonic Wind Band