Feb 6Suggested Repertoire for Dev Bands#23 Suggested Repertoire from Around the World for Developing Bands
Dec 9, 2024Composition of the WeekUNIDAD EN RITMO An Afro-Latin Tribute to Cultural Unity for Wind Symphony by MICHELE FERNÁNDEZ (USA, 1967)
Oct 13, 2024Composition of the WeekSYMPHONY No.1 for Wind Orchestra II. Scherzo by CONNOR FOGARTY (Australia, 1998)
Oct 6, 2024Composition of the WeekARRELS Suite from the Ballet for Wind Band by XIMO TARÍN MICÓ (Spain, 1990)
Apr 21, 2024Composition of the WeekCONCERTO FOR TROMBONE by ARMANDO ANTHONY “CHICK” COREA (USA, 1941 – 2021)
Dec 31, 2023Composition of the WeekLOS DISPARATES DE GOYA for Symphonic Band by MARTíNEZ GALLEGO (Spain, 1969)
Jun 25, 2023Composition of the WeekECHO - SYSTEM Oratorio for Wind Ensemble by THÉO SCHMITT (Switzerland, 1991)