Sep 1, 2024Composition of the WeekI WANDER THE WORLD IN A DREAM OF MY OWN MAKING for Wind Ensemble by CHRISTOPHER THEOFANIDIS (USA, 1967)
Aug 25, 2024Composition of the WeekLE TOURNOIEMENT DES SONGES Concerto for Trumpet and Wind Ensemble by ANTHONY GIRARD (France, 1959)
Aug 4, 2024Composition of the WeekSYMPHONY OF WINDS, Op. 67 for Wind Orchestra by DEREK BOURGEOIS (England, 1941 – 2017)
Jul 28, 2024Composition of the WeekCONCERTO FOR WINDS AND PERCUSSION by CHRISTIAN LINDBERG (Sweden, 1958)
Jul 7, 2024Composition of the WeekSYMFONIE FÜR BLÄSER UND SCHLAGZEUG (Symphonie for Winds and Percussion) for Orchestral Winds by HILDING ROSENBERG (Sweden, 1892 – 1985)
Jun 16, 2024Composition of the WeekALONG DARK PATHS (Per Opaca Viarium) for Wind Orchestra by KENNETH HESKETH (England, 1968)
Apr 21, 2024Composition of the WeekCONCERTO FOR TROMBONE by ARMANDO ANTHONY “CHICK” COREA (USA, 1941 – 2021)
Mar 31, 2024Composition of the WeekCONCERTO POUR TROMPETTE ET ORCHESTRE N° 2 for Trumpet Solo & Wind Ensemble by ANDRÉ JOLIVET (France, 1905 – 1974)
Mar 17, 2024Composition of the WeekKammerkonzert for piano, violin and thirteen wind instruments by ALBAN BERG (Austria, 1885 – 1935)