Mar 12, 2023Composition of the WeekSEISHIN for wind orchestra and percussion by Juha T. Koskinen (Finland, 1972)
Mar 5, 2023Composition of the WeekLIFE VARIATIONS Op. 50for Wind Ensemble by Eiji Suzuki (Japan, 1965)
Feb 12, 2023Composition of the WeekPORTRAITS OF COMPOSERS (Suite Nr. 1 for Symphonic Band) by Volodymyr Runchak (Ukraine, 1960)
Jan 8, 2023Composition of the WeekGAIA Symphonic Suite for Wind Orchestra by Masamichi (Masamicz) Amano (Japan, 1957)
Nov 27, 2022Composition of the WeekCONCERTO FOR TRUMPET AND WIND ORCHESTRA by Sir Richard Rodney Bennett (Great Britain, 1936-2012)
Oct 16, 2022Composition of the WeekIERRA MÍTICA, Symphonic Poem for Band by Bernardo Adam Ferrero (Spain,1942 – 2022)
Jul 17, 2022Composition of the WeekCONCERTO No. 2 FOR PIANO, WINDS AND PERCUSSION by Leonardo Balada (Spain/USA, 1933)
May 1, 2022Composition of the WeekMUSIC FOR ELEVEN WIND INSTRUMENTS AND TIMPANI EDISON DENISOV (Russia, 1929 - 1996)
Mar 27, 2022Composition of the WeekCHORAL Op. 8 for wind orchestra, percussion, and bass by OLIVER KNUSSEN (England, 1952 - 2018)
Mar 20, 2022Composition of the WeekSYMPHONIE DE PRINTEMPS For Symphonic Band by IDA GOTKOVSKY (France, 1933)
Mar 13, 2022Composition of the WeekPRISM RHAPSODY II for Two Marimbas and Wind Ensemble by KEIKO ABE (Japan, 1937)
Feb 6, 2022Composition of the WeekMUSIC FOR PIANO, PERCUSSION AND WIND ENSEMBLE by XI WANG (China-USA, 1978)
Jan 30, 2022Composition of the WeekFANFARE CHIMÉRIQUE For double wind ensemble and electronics by UNSUK CHIN (South Korea, 1961)
Dec 12, 2021Composition of the WeekIN MEMORIAM DÉSIRÉ DONDEYNE (France, 1921 - 2015) SYMPHONIA SACRA For Large Wind Band
Sep 12, 2021Composition of the WeekHour of the Soul Poem for Large Wind Orchestra and Mezzo Soprano by SOFIA GOUBAÏDOULINA (Russia1931)
Sep 5, 2021Composition of the WeekCONCERTO FOR TUBA and WIND ORCHESTRA by JURAJ FILAS (Slovakia,1955)
Aug 1, 2021Composition of the WeekPLACES WE CAN NO LONGER GO for Voice and Wind Ensemble by JOHN MACKEY (USA, 1973)
Jul 11, 2021Composition of the WeekTONEPLEROMAS 55 For Wind Ensemble by TOSHIRO MAYUZUMI (Japan, 1929 - 1997)