WASBE Event Request
If you are passionate about symphonic bands and ensembles, our event request platform is your gateway to a world of opportunities, connections and collaborations. Anywhere in the world.
Event Formats
There are three WASBE event formats for request.
Option 1
A stand-alone event lasting 1 to 3 days (e.g., conference).
Required content:
Composition contest winners, and/or Commission piece, and/or
WASBE Composers. -
A brief introduction to WASBE and our initiatives.
Lab band or resident ensemble.
Option 2
A strand or track of WASBE sessions within a pre-existing event (e.g., festival, forum, etc.).
Required content is more flexible than the stand-alone WASBE event. However, it must include a brief introduction to WASBE and our initiatives.
Option 3
WASBE Session
A single WASBE session within a pre-existing event (e.g., festival, forum, etc.).
Required content is more flexible than the stand-alone WASBE Seminar. However, it must include a brief introduction to WASBE and our initiatives.
Possible Topics
Composer Presentations
International, National, and/or Local Repertoire Presentations
Rehearsal Techniques
Repertoire Selection
Application Information
In order for the committee to approve an event request, we must see evidence of organizational infrastructure, pre-event planning, and financial means for a successful event (see requirements on the Request and Agreement Contract).
Each request will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
WASBE is firmly and unmistakably engaged in the battle against exclusion and celebrates diversity and inclusiveness. Seminar events should work towards inclusion and a blended representation.
Required Pre- and Post-Event Information
Organizers will be expected to provide promotional information to the WASBE Executive Director at least one month in advance of the Event date. This information will be posted online as well as published in the e- postcard with a link to the Event’s online materials.
Organizers will be expected to provide post-event content to the WASBE Executive Director. For example:
Short written reflections and pictures.
Video interviews with the attendees and/or the WASBE composers.
Short videos of selected seminar activities.