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IRACUNDIAfor Symphonic Band by David Rivas Dominguez (Spain, 1980)

[#184] January 30, 2023 2022 | Wind Orchestra | Grade 5 | 15'-20' | Tone poem

Spanish composer and conductor David Rivas Dominguez

Iracuandia, by Spanish composer and conductor David Rivas Dominguez is our Composition of the Week.

Iracundia (anger or wrath, in English) was written in 2022. It was commissioned by both the city council of Madridejos and the Banda Sinfónica Municipal, who premiered the work on November 19, 2022, in Casa de la Cultura of Madridejos, under José Antonio Blasco Lambíes.

“The work follows, as an extra-musical idea,the myth of Pandora's jar, but without being a descriptive piece as such. It is divided into two parts, generated from a melodic cell of three notes. I try to play with textures and tonal instability, as well as resorting to the fugal style in most sections of the piece.The introduction, a saxophone section chorale, is a small tribute to maestro Blasco, a professional saxophonist. This is followed by the three-notecell, from which I will elaborate on the other themes that appear in the piece. The piece creates an overwhelming instability as well as a certain sensation of burden until about minute15, when a tribal tonal dance appears, culminating the work and revealing a language more recognizable to my musical stamp. ”Program Notes by David Rivas

Iracundia is scored for the conventional, large Spanish symphonic band setting, using, in addition to the usual instruments, soprano saxophone, two tenor saxophones, flugel horns, four trombones, two euphoniums, two tubas, cello, doublebass, and 6 percussion parts.The total performance time is of 18 minutes. David Rivas graduated in Art History and in History and Music Sciences at the University of Salamanca. His catalog counts over 160 compositions, some of which have won awards in Spain. David's music has been performed in countries such as Argentina, Mexico, Portugal, Peru, Greece, Italy, France, Holland, Cuba, England, Costa Rica, Germany, Russia, Japan, USA, Belgium, Taiwan and the Dominican Republic. In recent years, some of his works have been chosen as compulsory pieces in band competitions throughout Spain, such as those of Galicia, Benavente, Murcia and Castellón, as well as the Certamen of Valencia. He has recorded several CDs with his music. In 2019 with the Municipal Band of Bilbao and Maestro Pascual-Vilaplana with 5 of his symphonic works. In November 2021a compilation of his music for Easter with the Unión Musical de Pozuelo and its conductor Carlos Herrero Belda, as well as a recording in 2022 with 6 of his latest works with the Banda Primitiva de Llíria andwith Javier Enguídanos conducting.David has to his credit 8composition awards in his home country, besides having several recognitions from the US for his band music.Rivas is a member of the Latin Grammy Academy and has been granted the “2017 Fundación Científica Caja Rural Award”in the category of Excellence in Culture. He currently combines his teaching career and compositional work in the region of Castilla y León, with conducting, adjudicating or as a guest composer throughout Spain.


More on David Rivas Dominguez


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